Teen Dating Violence is a pattern of controlling, abusive and aggressive behaviour in a current or former romantic relationship. It includes actual or threatened acts of physical, sexual, psychological, and verbal harm by a partner. It can happen to anyone, regardless of race, gender, age, or socioeconomic status.
Teen Dating Violence is prevalent - approximately 1 in 3 youth suffer dating violence.
We need to talk about it
Being a parent of someone in an abusive dating relationship makes a difficult situation even harder. Knowing or even suspecting that your child is being harmed can be both frightening and frustrating.
Understanding how to support them lovingly and in non-judgmental ways will help you maintain the connection your children need to feel comfortable reaching out for help.
Click here to go to a webpage with more resources and information on how to support your teen.
Love is more than just the way you feel.
Boundaries are needed in every relationship. They help you determine the level of vulnerability you’re comfortable sharing for both you and your partner. But what are personal boundaries, and how do you define them in your relationship?
Personal boundaries are limits you set around your body, physical places, emotions, financial information, and digital spaces. We determine what we choose to share with our partners, and our partners choose what they want to share with us. Trust and respect are significant components to maintaining boundaries in a relationship, and it’s up to you to decide what makes you feel most comfortable. Pressure from a partner to redefine your limits is not okay, and you have the choice to decide what feels right for you at any point in your relationship.
Boundaries can seem like they hinder a relationship, but these personal parameters can lay the groundwork for a loving, respectful, and healthy partnership.
Here are some downloadable resources for you to read over, or print off.
Click here to go to a webpage with more resources, videos, and information