The purpose of our school presentations is to provide students with the information and skills to make positive choices in their friendships and relationships. We cover many topics including Healthy Youth Relationships, Kindness, Friendship, Conflict Resolution and Brain Architecture.


What is a Bully? – Students will learn to identify bullying behavior and how to deal with it.

Kindness – Students will learn the importance of kindness and ways to show kindness to others.

Friendship – Students will learn friendship skills and what it means to be a good friend.

Rough Play and how to play physical games nicely – Students will discuss the physical play that they do and what they are to learn through those games. Things like: A bigger person holds back so as not to hurt the smaller one, knowing when to stop, learning the strength of their body and learning when physical play is or is not acceptable to do. Through a game, the students will make their own rules so that it is safe and that all people are valued in the game.

Standing up to Bullying – Students will learn about the types of bullying, facts/myths about bullying, and how to stand up for themselves and others.

Kindness – Students will learn the value of kindness and empathy and the impact those have on their relationships with others.

Friendship – Students will learn important friendship skills to have and maintain healthy friendships.

Healthy Youth Relationships – Students will learn the elements of unhealthy and healthy relationships and how to recognize the red flags within a relationship, as well as resources for support if they are experiencing unhealthy relationships.

Empathy – Students will learn about understanding emotions and the importance of showing empathy in having healthy relationships with others.

Social Media- These 3 interactive presentations focus on social media. In each presentation there is a core activity which the students then discuss how it can apply to life and life online. The 3 main topics that are focussed on are:

          1) Different Perspectives and Experiences-Students will explore how each of us have different ideas and views about how we interact online. We can only see part of the picture. For example, parents, the RCMP, advertisers, politicians, internet trolls and criminals often see a different part of the picture, and choose to engage with social media differently.

          2) Communication and Decisions – Students will discuss the components of communication and the limits to online communication. They will explore what affects their decision making and how decision fatigue can often occur when using social media.

          3) Tips for dealing with trouble on Social Media – Students will discuss some of the common troubles people can run in to online, explore the issue of blame and work through a problem-solving process.

Healthy Youth Relationships and Dating Abuse – Students will learn the difference between a healthy relationship and an unhealthy or abusive relationship, as well as what to do and where to go for support if they or someone they know are experiencing an unhealthy relationship.

Are You Ready For a Relationship – Students will think about some things to consider before entering into a relationship. They will explore their values, boundaries and expectations of a dating relationship.

Consent – Students will learn about what consent is and how it applies in a healthy relationship. Part of this presentation is included in Healthy Youth Relationships and Dating Abuse presentation. Some schools have asked for a presentation focusing mainly on consent.

Brain Architecture Game – In this presentation we explore the development of a child’s brain from 0-8 years through an interactive game. Each team is given a set of game cards, straws, pipe cleaners, weights and paperclips. Through the game, the teams will build a structure out of the items based on the cards that they draw. Towards the end they will add weights to their structure to see if it can hold them or if it will collapse. The cards show either positive, toxic or tolerable experiences for a child at different ages. The aim of this game is to highlight how important the early years of a child’s life (particularly the first 5) are in their development and how it can affect them for their entire life.

Conflict Resolution  In this presentation, students will explore what conflict is, how a person may feel when they are in a conflict, the 5 personal conflict management styles and the non-aggressive conflict resolution steps.

For more information, contact (780)835-5550 and ask to speak with a community support team member.


Growing courage, connection, & compassion